получить займ на карту . Выгодные цены на товары каталога Туристические горелки оптом на Авантмаркет

29.06.2021 15:20
Просмотров всего: 21302; сегодня: 3.

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most innovative for economy

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most innovative for economy

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most rating and innovative industries in the world. This thesis was confirmed by the chairman of the board of directors of Darnitsa Group, Dmytro Shymkiv (https://forumkyiv.org/en/speakers/dmitro-shimkiv). He also noted that Ukrainian drug producers have once again entered the top of the most rapidly developing companies. At the same time, domestic pharmaceuticals in terms of technological processes and quality are in no way inferior to European analogues.

According to the top manager of “Darnitsa”, within the framework of implementation of the program to preserve and increase the volumes of the sales market, Darnitsa Group has taken a leading position in the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry. Of course, the global Covid-19 pandemic has pushed the plant’s management to look for alternative approaches to production solutions. In a pandemic, the concern has activated all its reserves in order to provide Ukrainian consumers with affordable medicines of its own production as much as possible.

Analysing the state of the global pharmaceutical market, Dmytro Shymkiv noted that the industry for the development and production of pharmaceuticals is now the leader in the innovative segment. The top positions in the rating are occupied by recognized authorities - Moderna, Pfizer, Novаvax, Jonson & Jonson, AstraZeneca. These pharmaceutical corporations became leaders because they were able to develop, test, mass-produce and sell efficient vaccines against Covid-19 in the global market in less than a year. This success has stimulated other pharmaceutical companies to continuously and systematically introduce new technologies in the production of drugs.

In turn, Darnitsa Group launched a non-stop innovation introduction process, which allowed it to achieve significant investments in new projects and developments. This is evidenced by statistical data, according to which the concern is the leader in the domestic pharmaceutical industry in terms of the volume of products sold. Dmytro Shymkiv also said that the traditional distrust of Ukrainians towards local pharmaceutical producers is groundless. As proof of his words, he announced the official data. According to them, the Ukrainian drugs produced by the “Darnitsa” company pass the final stages of research in the laboratories of the EU countries, fully comply with European requirements and are being successfully sold in the EU markets.

Тематические сайты: Инновационный бизнес

Ньюсмейкер: Darnitsa — 3 публикации
Сайт: forumkyiv.org/en/speakers/dmitro-shimkiv


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